Dautkanova, Dina, Dautkanov, Nurlan, Kazhymurat, Assemay, Mukasheva, Mariya. (1403). Determination of norms of natural waste raw materials of the sugar industry during storage in natural and climatic conditions of Kazakhstan. فیزیولوژی و بیوتکنولوژی آبزیان, 22(3), 689-696. doi: 10.22124/cjes.2023.7313
Dina Dautkanova; Nurlan Dautkanov; Assemay Kazhymurat; Mariya Mukasheva. "Determination of norms of natural waste raw materials of the sugar industry during storage in natural and climatic conditions of Kazakhstan". فیزیولوژی و بیوتکنولوژی آبزیان, 22, 3, 1403, 689-696. doi: 10.22124/cjes.2023.7313
Dautkanova, Dina, Dautkanov, Nurlan, Kazhymurat, Assemay, Mukasheva, Mariya. (1403). 'Determination of norms of natural waste raw materials of the sugar industry during storage in natural and climatic conditions of Kazakhstan', فیزیولوژی و بیوتکنولوژی آبزیان, 22(3), pp. 689-696. doi: 10.22124/cjes.2023.7313
Dautkanova, Dina, Dautkanov, Nurlan, Kazhymurat, Assemay, Mukasheva, Mariya. Determination of norms of natural waste raw materials of the sugar industry during storage in natural and climatic conditions of Kazakhstan. فیزیولوژی و بیوتکنولوژی آبزیان, 1403; 22(3): 689-696. doi: 10.22124/cjes.2023.7313

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